Thursday, April 14, 2022

Good morning Friday.

 Good morning Friday.

Good morning Friday.

I'm in the office today because of the snow.

I'll try to be back on in the afternoon or evening with some pictures.

At least this time they had the good sense to give us a good reason.

Maybe next time they'll just forget.

Good Morning!

Friday again already?

I thought the week went fast last week.

This one will fly by just as quickly.

Maybe because by this time next week I'll be headed back to the heat of Florida.

Wherever you are I hope you have a wonderful Friday.

It's warm and dry here so we're all ok for the moment.

I'm going to finish a cup of coffee and then start on a big day of cleaning.

Have a good one.

Good morning.

It's going to be a beautiful day here in Michigan.

It's going to be a bit cool but they are calling for a warm up.

Yesterday was a beautiful sunny day.

Not only was it beautiful outside but my heart was too.

My friend Lori of the sweet little doggie got her miracle yesterday and we couldn't be happier.

If you don't have your own furry friend like Lori you need to adopt one, immediately.

Look at that sweet face.

Her name is Lucy and she is 4 years old and just came to the shelter very pregnant.

They are unsure how many pups there were.

She weighed 90 pounds.

It's hard to see in this picture but she has the biggest brown eyes and it looks like she is smiling.

She wasn't wearing a collar or ID so they could not find a microchip to help track her owner.

You can go to Luv - a - Bark to find a very lucky pet that needs a new home today.

Lori and I spent time with her the day she got to our home.

If it wasn't for Lucy's owner and her human rescuers we would never have met and she would have stayed in the shelter.

When Lori and I got together yesterday afternoon Lucy was tucked in for the night in a cozy bed on my loveseat.

She is safe and sound now.

God is good.

Good Morning.

My, I am getting cranky in my old age.

It's almost lunch time and I'm hungry.

I've just put the pork chops in the slow cooker.

They smell good and it will be interesting to see how they turn out.

I've heard them called chocolate pudding pork chops, but I'm not really going to let that effect my taste buds.

I'll let you know how they turn out.

It's Thursday morning and I'm at the office.

I love Fridays.

You would think I would be ready for a long weekend but I still love the middle of the week.

I have no meetings or appointments until Tuesday.

I guess it's a mental thing.

I really like this time of week.

I'm still trying to get organized.

I'm doing pretty good in my kitchen but my bathroom is not really functional.

Good morning Friday.

I have a long way to go in there.

With so much going on right now and every cabinet door in my kitchen being used, I'm not sure I'll ever finish.

Oh, by the way, I'm still not sure I'm going to be on vacation until next week.

My boss is trying to get some things in place for me to go while I'm off.

I hope I get to go.

I'm ready.

Good Morning.

I'm sitting here at my desk trying to figure out what to make for dinner.

If it's not raining again tomorrow I may go out and get my walk in.

I've been doing really good the last few weeks and I'm really proud of myself.

We haven't had any rain in weeks.

It's been a while.

Last weekend, however, I thought we were in for some.

It would have been really nice to get my walk in, but there was no rain.

I did get a little over 4 miles walked though.

What I didn't get done was my walks on the weekend.

I didn't have my gym clothes with me and I wasn't ready to run outside.

I was able to walk while watching tv.

It's much easier to do it then try to run and workout in the same spot.

I'm pretty happy with that accomplishment.

Today is weigh day.

I have to admit I'm nervous.

I really don't want to gain anything this week.

I've been doing all the right things.

I've been watching what I eat, walking every day and doing my sit - ups.

Yesterday I was able to sit for 5 minutes and read.

Today's goals:

I'm heading to the grocery store in a few minutes.

I hope this is a good week for eating and exercise.

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I had a pretty good weekend.

I was off Friday so I was able to get some things done that have been on my to do list.

I'm working on getting the pantry all organized.

Saturday, we got up early and did some yard work.

I had my arms bent over the mower for a little bit and I thought I had just pulled a muscle.

We were working on the low spot of my vegetable garden and the muscles in my back and arm were screaming at me.

I stopped working and that stopped the pain.

I guess I'm going to have to be more careful of where I bend my arms while working in the yard.

Saturday evening, Jason and I

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