Thursday, March 10, 2022

How to salve depression problem with the Divine Feminine


How to salve depression problem with the Divine Feminine

Trees are synonymous with the Divine Feminine and are fundamental for mental health. Our present lives are conditioned by the trees that are in existence before us. Everything is rooted in a larger context. Take, for instance, the forest, which is an integral part of the biological and cultural system of a geographical area. Being part of the society that lives on the land, forest is the first provider of environmental stewardship. However, when people disrespect forests and remove their stems, trunks and roots of trees, they have effectively murdered the tree, the primal mother. It is our obligation to not lose our divine sensitivity, our inherent divinity, that we all possess. When we act destructively towards ourselves and or the world around us, we are not only affecting ourselves and the universe around us, but we are also setting a disturbing example for others to follow.

As stated in the beginning of the article, I suffer from depression and anxiety. I have been battling this debilitating disease for the past few years. As someone who is highly sensitive, which is a common thread amongst so many women today, I am prone to depression and anxiety, which I have had to deal with for the past few years. The current state of my body and mind leads me to believe that I may have been coping with and pretending to be depressed, in order to keep the world on track, or just to look strong. I am in a dilemma; what is the best way to deal with depression?

There are a number of things that one can do to enhance their mental health. Self-care, exercise, nature, social support, laughter, and laughter therapy, and of course, laughter, are some of the best methods that one can adopt to stay well. A therapeutic alliance between the Divine Feminine and the Divine Masculine is a tool that people should try to integrate into their daily lives. It is through the cooperation of the Divine Masculine and the Divine Feminine that people can make wise and necessary choices to bring themselves back from the quagmire of their own unhappiness and dis-ease.

I believe that happiness is something that must be earned and is not given to us free of cost. All my research, articles, and testimonies point to the fact that happiness is something that we as humans need to learn to attain, just as we need to learn to attain intelligence, success, humility, self-respect, and unconditional love. Even in terms of the concept of self-care, you cannot just sit around waiting for things to get better, as it is a self-destructive habit.

Self-care can be achieved by practicing the practices of mindfulness, by engaging in healthy activities, by practicing gratitude, by meditating, by praying, by dancing, by singing, by simply saying no to harmful and unnecessary things, and by using the power of the Divine Feminine. The Divine Feminine is what sustains us, and our mental health depends on it.

Stopping to take the time for self-care is the most fundamental way that one can ensure that one's mental health is in the best possible state. The Divine Feminine embodies elements of the Divine Masculine that are vital to mental health. Our bodies are built to feel, process, and function in a harmonious way. We as women, for instance, take emotional needs and act upon them. We are more connected to the emotions than men are. When a woman is happy, it radiates. When a woman is sad, it is intense. When a woman is anxious, it is as if the entire universe is going to crash and burn if the woman is not somehow in control of her emotions and feelings. Women are the major sources of emotional labor in the world. For this reason, one needs to be very careful about what they put into their bodies, their thoughts, and their intentions. It is easy to neglect the things that we need to take care of ourselves because they are seemingly so insignificant and unimportant. If I really think about it, my body is more important than the things that I do for my mind. I must remember that my body is the physical manifestation of my soul. When I do not take the time to nourish my body, I feel sluggish and unhappy. I end up feeling unhappy, which in turn makes it very hard for me to feel happy and make my mind feel peaceful.

No one knows or understands what's happening in the mind of another person. People's minds do not work in a linear fashion. The times that I feel most relaxed and comfortable are when I listen to the music of my soul, when I listen to what my body needs, when I pray, when I talk to my friends, when I watch movies and television, and when I let my mind wander.

I strongly believe that we all have the power to be and do anything, however we need to embrace our inner divinity in order to reach those heights and create the life that we dream of. Be true to yourself, take time for self-care, listen to your body, and build a life that you can be proud of.

When you have successful expectations for yourself, it becomes easier to work with and manage your life. It becomes easier to work with your partner, to work with your clients, and to work with yourself.

Active / Active

Actively applying a thought pattern to the outside world. Attaching a belief to a particular person, place, or situation to create positive change in that environment.

Positive Attitude

1. A specific way of thinking that leads to a positive change in our circumstances and emotions.

2. A series of beliefs and actions which produce positive results.

Applying Attitude to our Affects









Think of a recent event or recent choice that was difficult and then select your reaction to it.

You feel frightened because...

a. You can't believe what you're seeing.

b. A man is threatening to cut off your heart while riding on a train.

c. Your dog is tied up on a busy street in broad daylight.

d. A tornado is bearing down on you, yet your big ugly truck isn't there to catch you.

e. You've spent the past hour trying to fix something that you shouldn't have even started in the first place.

Focusing on the present reality

Dealing with something that has happened in the past by looking at it from a new angle is a fantastic strategy when dealing with negative emotions.

What if that tornado was actually just a bit of wind with some light rain?

What if your dog is just as scared of that noisy train as you are?

What if your wife is really just jealous of your attentiveness to her wants and needs?

How about your teacher and now-deceased mother?

Now notice the truth about the present situation. What exactly is happening right now?

Think about this, does your ex really care about you? Does he really have a bad temperament?

Do you really have to spend half an hour trying to fix the problem with the printer?

You are surrounded by kindness, love, and hope. What do you have to be frightened of right now?

My grandma died of cancer. She was my best friend. I remember calling her with some of my problems and all she could say was: "Talk to God." Is it possible for you to talk to your grandmother?

Taking action

Action is a powerful tool to deal with negative emotions, particularly negative feelings about situations.

There's nothing as powerful as moving forward and moving on.

Action means making a conscious decision to change your situation.

Action means deciding that you will no longer be bound to the past.

Action is removing a negative state from your body.

Action is simply the power of the mind.

Trying to build a new house or car and not having money to finish it?

Come on! You can make a mistake every now and then.

If you build a house by hand, and you drop some nails, you can always use some new nails from the garage.

You can't make good decisions or believe in yourself if you have no money.

(Especially in the field of raising children.)

You can't do anything worthwhile or impressive if you don't have enough money.

Most of our day is spent stuck in our situations.

The trick is to change that situation.

Let's look at our situation again:

What's my day going to be like?

What's my meal plan?

What's my favorite activity?

What's the easiest way to do what I want to do?

When does the first train come into town?

When does the rain get so heavy that we can't go out?

When do the tornadoes hit?

When does my money run out?

What will I do when my money runs out?

When do my friends get tired of my negativity?

When do my fears get so bad that I can't even think about them?

When do my past failures hit me the hardest?

When will I finally learn my lesson?

These are the issues that define my day.

These are the issues that define my life.

Who am I?

These are the things that I'll live with until the end of my life.

Only one person can give me a life.

Only one person can give me the best life.

It's up to me to take the necessary actions to get there.

In the movie My Big Fat Greek Wedding, the father is upset about his son's wedding.

He wants the son to change a number of things to make things right with his father.

One of the things that the father says to the son is, "You're so young. Do you really know what your father has sacrificed to get you here?"

After hearing this, the son turns to his father and says, "Hey, Dad, I don't care what you sacrificed. If you want me to marry this girl, I'll marry her. I love her."

There are all kinds of sacrifices that parents make for their children. The question is: Are you willing to take action to make the most of your life?

If you do make the decision to change your situation, it's the most powerful thing you can do for yourself.

Amanda Roberts writes about mental health and depression, positive psychology and personal growth at She loves cheese, poetry and nature.

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