Saturday, March 5, 2022

How to meditate.

How to meditate.howto meditate but don't know how?

Meditation has gained the reputation of being a miracle cure for a lot of health conditions. A study published in the Journal of Neurology found that meditation can alleviate chronic pain. 

Meditation can also be a wonderful stress buster. Studies have shown that people who regularly practice meditation have better cardiovascular health and overall better mental health.

It helps to alleviate some of the symptoms of Parkinson's disease and Chronic Fatigue Syndrome. Meditation is also great for people who are trying to lose weight, reduce blood pressure and improve memory.

Most people are generally sceptical about meditation. However, after practicing it for a while, it begins to feel a lot more natural. If you are at all interested in learning how to meditate, give these five easy and quick ways of achieving it a try.

Choose a place where you can comfortably sit and stay for a while. Keep the room free of clutter, make sure there is nothing that obstructs your view of the sky. Get comfortable and you are good to go.

Build in intervals: This is where a timer can come in handy. Before starting to meditate, set the timer for two minutes and begin by breathing slowly. After a few minutes, start to make your way to a meditation state by repeating a word or two, or by concentrating on your heartbeat or breathing pattern. Some people also breathe slowly and deeply while meditating.

Avoid any distractions: Turn off your mobile phone. Get away from your internet browser and watch your clock and put the phone on silent. Switch off all gadgets and be fully present.

Exercise: It is good to meditate in a location that offers you some physical activity. But if you are not sure of your ability to make it to the gym in time to exercise, that's fine. It is a great way of giving yourself a break in between a series of meditations.

Wait for your mind to become blank: When you first try out meditation, it can be a little hard to think of anything other than the nature around you. It is important to make sure that the mind remains empty, or this meditating process would be futile.

Meditation can be a mind-changing experience. It's important to be patient with yourself and stay disciplined, at least for a few weeks.
Meditation is good for mental and physical well-being. 


Johannesburg - Bringing more peace, mindfulness, and happiness to your life is easier than you think. Here are 4 easy and quick ways to achieve it.

1. Make a decision: Meditation is an action. What action are you going to take, specifically? If you are just starting out, you can choose a sitting position in a quiet, safe room. Do you need to pay attention to your breath, or do you need to concentrate on your heartbeat? The choice is up to you. Sit up straight, inhale deeply and exhale deeply. Don't forget to close your eyes if you wish.

2. Set a timer: The best thing to do is to set the timer for two minutes. Before starting to meditate, set the timer for two minutes and begin by breathing slowly. After a few minutes, start to make your way to a meditation state by repeating a word or two, or by concentrating on your heartbeat or breathing pattern. Some people also breathe slowly and deeply while meditating.

When you first start out, you may find it hard to sit for a prolonged period of time. Allow yourself to experience the feeling of mindlessness and detachment. You can also find meditations to listen to online.

3. Pay attention to your environment: The environment you are sitting in can help you connect with the present moment. Put away any devices that you do not need, such as your mobile phone and read a book. You can also use pictures, a globe, a clock, or an alarm clock, so you can connect to the present moment.

4. Make a decision: The first few times you try to meditate, it can be hard. Be patient with yourself. If the first few times are a struggle, your mind may be off focus, but don't give up. You will find that it gets easier and easier the more you meditate.

Meditation is good for mental and physical well-being. 


CAPE TOWN - Meditation is an action. What action are you going to take, specifically? If you are just starting out, you can choose a sitting position in a quiet, safe room. Do you need to pay attention to your breath, or do you need to concentrate on your heartbeat or breathing pattern? The choice is up to you. Sit up straight, inhale deeply and exhale deeply. Don't forget to close your eyes if you wish.

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